Reconnecting Loved Ones in a Crisis

As the world now faces what is easily considered to be the largest unifying crisis our generation has faced to date, we look at how Consorcio Aviation has been there to reconnect people back to their loved ones when unable to mobilize.

In late 2019, the Thomas Cook Group shut down and stopped trading. Their now ex-clientele were stranded across the world. Consorcio Aviation coordinated the Ground Handling for the world’s largest PAX aircraft during the rescue missions, the A380 double-decker at MMUN.

Airbus A380 at MMUN, where Consorcio Aviation provided Ground Handling, Catering, and other services.

Now with the world facing the dire COVID 19 pandemic, we are at it once again operating Repatriation, Humanitarian, MEDEVAC and Military flights across our AOR of Latin America and the Caribbean. To date, we have handled flights in El Salvador, Paraguay, Cuba, and Bolivia with more on the horizon.

While we are proud of this, we wish these flights were happening in a “business as usual” setting and not under these circumstances. We urge everyone to stay safe, weather the storm and take this time to reflect and grow. We will come out better and stronger on the other side.

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